Can I Have

Yes. We have budgets for Linux PCs, Apple machines, PHPStorm licenses and some more gizmos that you may need.

Other than that, if you need a device or license to speed up your work, just ask your team leader and we'll evaluate case by case. On standard hardware and software, please read this section to learn more.


Almost always yes, as long as it's useful to your work and/or adds to our company culture. The books will be added to our company bookshelf and will be available to all your colleagues - of course, you can read them first ;)

Please mind you will be supposed to read them and maybe give your opinion or digest the content during a brown-bag-something.

Business cards

All management representatives as well as salesmen and team leaders (basically all that will talk to the outside world on a daily basis) will have nominal BCs.

Non-nominal BCs (i.e. with the company data and not your name on them) will be available for everybody to pick up at wish. Spread the love!

Health/Posture facilities

We value your health so yes, as long as the budget allows for everybody to have the same if they are in the need. Legs raisers, laptop stands and the like are all things we can provide. The office is currently equipped with two standing desks everybody can use. They are not adjustable, but they are easy to move, affordable and more can be bought if needed. Expensive stuff like adjustable desks and such may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Of course, if you suffer real disease, we'll do our best to acknowledge you all you need for a safe workplace.

Tickets for a conference

We always love to stay in the consphere, here you can find our policies.

A training course

More or less the same as above apply for training and courses. We like to arrange global courses for all the staff, so file your request on #tech, talk about your goals to your team leader or with the management and be available to discuss the involvement of other people.

Getting certified training is even more valuable, even if it usually costs more, so don't be shy to ask for certifications, even if a free non-certified alternative is available: we can be willing to pay for the badge.

Devices, toys and gizmos for test/experiment

We like to experiment and the more you want to learn "doing" the more we'll support you, as long as we have the budget. Where free software/service alternatives are available (i.e. BrowserStack vs buying an iThingy to check browser compatibility) or an esoteric programmable device emulator, we'll maybe go that route: no obsolete junk scattered around, all your mates can access it, a fluid cost-structure.

If you want to experiment with a real appliance, that's great, let us know.

Last updated on 6 Mar 2025