Access To The Office During Covid19 Pandemic

Following the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown, from October 2020 SparkFabrik's office in Milan is open again for those who want or needs to work there.

Access is possible at reduced capacity, only during working hours (9:00-19:00) from Monday to Friday and by reservation. Only 10 people at the same time will be admitted to the office and only at specific seats/desks.

Limitations also apply to accessing the meeting rooms and common areas.

Booking a seat

To book access to the office, write to and wait for a confirmation email.

To know who's in the office, take a look at this calendar Presenze in ufficio and add it to your calendar tool (you can use the bottom right button).

Accessing the office

At the office entrance those items can be found:

  • The sanitizing gel.
  • A contactless thermometer.
  • An access log (paper).
  • A proxy sheet (for the first person entering the office, see Responsible for security below).
  • Surgical masks.

The access is allowed according to the following safety rules:

  • At the entrance, you MUST wear a face mask.
  • You MUST sanitize their hands with the gel.
  • You MUST have your temperature measured and written down: should the body temperature exceed 37.5°C, you won't be allowed to access the office.
  • You MUST log your presence on the register.
  • We strongly recommend installing the Immuni tracking app.

Responsible for security

The first person who enters the office must sign the proxy sheet at the entrance and leave it in the box. This person is appointed the Responsible for Security role and will have to check the temperature of anyone entering the office and make sure the safety rules above are respected.

Other indications

Once in the office, keep in mind that:

We have set up two seats for each island to maintain an adequate distance. Do not move the seats and respect 1.5m distancing. Due to 7/10/2020 DPCM you are asked to always wear a mask while staying in the office unless you are alone.

No seat is considered personal. When you book a seat for a day you can take the first free seat you spot or prefer.

Your personal keyboard, mouse and headphones (the stuff you touch) are all in a box on the shelves in the room adjacent to the meeting room (the first when you enter). Take them when you enter and bring them to your desk of choice. On each desk, you'll find sanitizing wipes and alcohol-based gel. Before going out, put your things in the box and sanitize the desk with wipes. Please leave the desk clear of devices, books or other objects.

The use of the meeting room is limited to a maximum of 4 people at a time, by reservation (same booking rules apply).

The use of the small room is restricted to one person at a time, by reservation (same booking rules apply).

After using the bathroom, sanitize the handles with special wipes; also spray the sanitizing products on the surfaces you have used/touched.

Access to the kitchen is restricted to one person at a time.

Access to the relax room is restricted to a maximum of 4 people at a time.

Last updated on 17 Feb 2025