Production And Development

@todo create detailed chapters on - FOSS Tools used for our work with - a brief on what it is and why/for what we use it (maybe a one-liner like "Drupal is an open source CMS and web framework. We use it as the basis for 99% of our products."). It's important that we explain even to newcomers what is the purpose of the tool in relation to the whole schema and what benefit it brings/what problem solves. It must be like placing the piece of a puzzle in the right spot in the mind of the reader. - Link to current online official docs if useful - Links to relevant recipes - Link to our specific docs if available

- Our private or contributed tools and base repositories, with
  - Purpose and place in the ecosystem (what problem it solves)
  - Who is the owner of that piece of code
  - Links to docs, faqs, gotchas and recipes for that tool

- Specific policies related to production/development activities like
  - Coding standards
  - Communication workflows
  - Documentation templates
  - Checklists / flight-lists
  - Testing
  - etc. etc.

Table of Content

FOSS Tools

@todo see above

Company tools

@todo see above

Production Policies

@todo see above
Last updated on 14 Mar 2025