Product Requirements Template

This is a standard template that can be used to document new features, it's not strictly bound to any tools, you can freely adapt at your convenience. It is heavily inspired by this one from Atlassian.


Target release 1.0
Epic Link to epic (GitHub/GitLab)
Document status Draft/Final
Document owner Author(s) name


Provide context on this feature and explain how it fits into the product.


List here any assumptions you can make about your users, technical constraints or business goals.

(e.g.: This set of features only works on iOS >= 13)

User stories

Here briefly explain using the user story format:

“As a [persona], I [want to], [so that].”


As a credit card holder,
I want to view my statement (or account) balance,
so that I can pay the balance due.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance Criteria defines how a particular feature could be used from an end user’s perspective. It focuses on business value, establishes the boundary of the feature’s scope and guides development.


User story

As a credit card holder,
I want to view my statement (or account) balance,
so that I can pay the balance due.

Acceptance criterias

  1. Display statement balance upon authentication. Say for example $1560
  2. Display total balance. For example $3560. Here the balance due from the current period is $2560 and the past balance due is $2000.
  3. Show Minimum payment due. For example $140
  4. Show Payment due date. For example May 16th of the current month
  5. Show an error message if the service is not responding or times out. For example Sorry, something went wrong with the service. Please try again.

If you want to know more about this subject

User interactions and design

Add here any mockups, diagrams, or visual designs that can help to understand better the feature.


Smashing magazine sketching for a better mobile experience

Open questions

Question Answer
How might we make users aware of this features? We'll announce the feature with a blog post and a summit presentation.

Out of scope

List of features discussed which are out of scope or might be revisited in a later release.

Last updated on 14 Mar 2025